Normally standard sales order can be split into sub
steps. This jointly carried out by some modules like INV, OM ,
Pricing, Shipping and AR. Lets take each sub steps with data flow conditions.
These are based out of the flow which is available in!!!!!.
- Order Entry:
This is first
stage when Order in enter in system. When the order is entered it basically create
a record in order headers and Order Lines table.
Oe_order_headers_all ( flow_status_code
as entered)
Oe_oreder_lines_all ( flow_status_code
as entered)( Order number is
- Order
This is next
stage, when Order which is entered in step1 is booked and flow status changed from entered
to Booked. At this stage these table
get affected.
Oe_order_headers_all (flow_status_code as booked, booked_flag updated).
Oe_order_lines_all (flow_status_code as awaiting shipping, booked_flag
wsh_new_deliverries ( status_code OP open).
Wsh_delivery_details ( released_status ‘R’ ready to release).
Same time,
Demand Interface program runs in back ground and insert into inventory tables mtl_demand.
- Reservation:
This step is
required for doing reservations SHCEDULE
ORDER PROGRAM runs in the background and quantities are reserved .Once this
program get successfully get completed, the mtl_reservations table get updated.
- Pick
Release :
Ideally pick
release is the process which is defined in which the items on the sales order
are taken out from inventory.
Normally pick release
SRS program runs in background. Once
the program get completed these are the table get affected.
Oe_order_lines_all (flow_status_code ‘PICKED’)
wsh_delivery_details ( released_status ‘S’ ‘submitted for release’)
mtl_txn_request_lines ( move order tables , Here
request is generated to move item from saleable to staging sub inventory).
Mtl_material_transactions_temp ( link to above
tables through move_order_header_id/line_id.
- Pick
Confirm :
Items are
transferred from saleble to staging Sub inventory
Wsh_delivery_details (released_status ‘Y’
- Ship
Confirm :
Here ship
confirm Interface program runs in
background. Data removed from wsh_new_deliverries.
( flow_status_code ‘Shipped’)
wsh_delivery_details ( released_status ‘C’ ‘Shipped’)
mtl_material_transactions ( linked through
Transaction source header id)
Data deleted frommtl_demand,mtl_reservations
Item deducted from mtl_onhand_quatnities.
- Enter
invoice :
This is also
called Receivable interface, that
mean Information moved to accounting area for invoicing details.
Invoicing workflow activity transfers shipped item
information to Oracle Reveivables.
Ra_interface_lines_all (interface table into which
the data is transferred fromorder management) T.
Then Auto
Invoice Program Imports data from
Table which get affected into this stage are receivables base table.
Ra_customer_trx_all (cust_trx_id is primary key to link it to trx_lines tables and trx_number is invoice number).
Ra_customer_trx_lines_all (line_number_1 and line_attribute_6
are linked to header_id ( or
order_number) and line_id of the orders).
- Complete
Line :
This is
stage order line level table get
updated with Flow status and Open
(flow_status_code ‘Shipped’,
- Close
Order :
This is last
step of Order Processing. In this stage only oe_order_lines_all table get
These are the table get affected
in this step.
Oe_order_lines_all (flow_status_code ‘Closed’, open_flag ‘N’).
These are the typically data flow
of a order to cash model for a standard
Understand “
Drop Shipment” in Order Management?
Order Management allows you to enter drop-shipment
sales orders as well as standard sales orders.
Items means
you can receive orders for items that you do not stock or for which you lack
sufficient inventory, and have a supplier
provide the items directly to your
Order Cycle
Drop Shipment:
These are the following activity
takes place when you have drop shipment
Warehouse Item
Ship Order
Shipment notification
Order Entry
Enter Customer
Enter Order
Demand Order (optional)
Cancel Order ( Optional)
Close Order
Create and send Purchase Order
Enter Shipment notification in system
Create invoice
Collection of payments
Hence ,drop ship order items ship directly from a supplier to the
customer of the order processing company. A purchase requisition then a
purchase order, is generated to notify the supplier ships the order , it
notifies purchasing to enter this information in the purchasing module.
What are the advantages of Drop
Shipment Orders?
These are
the benefits:
No inventory is required
Reduced order fulfillment processing costs
Reduced flow times
Elimination of losses on non-sellable goods
Elimination of packing and shipping costs
Reduced inventory space requirements
Reduced shipping time to your customer
Allows you to offer a variety of products to your
How to understand the dataflow
for Drop Shipment Orders?
To understand,
here are the processes divided in sub process and the underline activity is
highlighted here:
Here are the Details as per Mark.
Order Entry:
Here the activity is
entering process where oe_order_headers_all
( flow_status_coder as entered) oe_order_lines_all.
The order is booked as DROP SHIP.
Order Booking:
The Purchase program passes
information about eligible drop-ship order lines to Oracle Purcahsing. The
interface table which gets populated is po_requistions_interface_all
After Purchasing Release has
completed successfully, run Requisition
Import I Oracle Purcahsing to generate purchase requisitions for the
processed order lines. The Requisition
Import program reads the table po_requisitions_interface_all validates
your data, dervies or defaults additional information and writes as error
message for every validation that fails into the po__interface_errors table. The validated data is then inserted
into the requisition base tables.
po_requistion_headers_all, po_requisition_lines_all,po_requistion_distributions_all. Then use Auto create PO
functionality to create purchase orders and then perform receipts against these
purchase orders.
After the good are
successfully received invoices for vendors are created in accounts payables as
in normal purchase orders.
Invoices are generated for
customers In Accounts receivables.
oe_order_lines_all (
flow_status_code ‘ Shipped’
Open_flag “N” ).
oe_order_lines_all (
flow_status_code ‘Closed’ Open_flag “N” ).
Very common thing, people get
confuse why such type of naming convention oracle have used. Here is note for
some of them.
_ALL :
Table holds all
the information about different operating units. Multi-Org environment. You can
also set the client_info to specific
operating units to see the data specific to that operating units only
_TL :
These are tables
corresponding to another table with the same name minus the _TL. These tables provide multiple language support . For each
item in the table without _TL there can be many rows in the _TL table ,but all with different
values in the LANGUAGE column.
_B :
These are the BASE tables. They are very important
and the data is stored in the table with all validations. It is supposed that
these table will always contain the perfect format data. If anything happens to
the BASE table data ,then it is a
data corruption issue.
_F :
These are date Tracked Tables , which occur in HR and Payroll . For these there are
TWO date columns EFFECTIVE_START_DATE and EFFECTIVE_END_DATE which together with
the PK identifies a row uniquely .The Date intervals can not overlap. Many
think they are Secured date guess someone from Oracle Confirms.
_V : Tables are the Views
created on base tables.
_VL : are views for multi
language tables which combines the row of the base table with the
corresponding row of the _TL table where the LANGUAGE = USERENV(‘LANG’).
_S : are sequences, used for finding new values
for the primary key of a table .
_A : are Audit
Shadow Tables.
_AVN and _ACN : are
Audit Shadow Views ( when data was
changed, and with what values)
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